Misery in Paradise (Senryu)

Frozen mirthless smile

Misery in Paradise

Tear-filled cenote

One’s state of mind can make a dump a paradise and a paradise a dump.  It is not one’s surroundings that lead to happiness it is how one views it.  That being said, there are places in the world that go hand in hand with bliss, and when one is in these magical spots and is filled with misery, the unhappiness seems so much bleaker.

I am in Kauai, but I count the hours until I can go home, for to be made unhappy in such a place raises unhappiness to a plane all its’ own.  I came for some peace and balance but it eludes me in my present company.

Senryu: same as Haiku structure but the theme is generally related to relationships or feelings while Haiku stresses nature

Fractal Thinking (Senryu)

fractal art wormhole

Bound by fractal  ties

An oubliette prisoner

Turbulent thinking


Fractal: A geometric pattern that is repeated at ever smaller scales to produce irregular shapes and surfaces that cannot be represented by classical geometry. Fractals are used especially in computer modeling of irregular patterns and structures in nature.

Sometimes I feel like I am in a fractal world, a maze or oubliette that goes round and round and never straightens out into a line with the door at the end.  Do you ever feel that way?

Senryu: same as Haiku structure but the theme is generally related to relationships or feelings while Haiku stresses nature

photo credit: Anua22a via photopin cc